We are looking for volunteers to participate in a simulator-based experiment to help us understand how people react to different behaviours of self-driving cars. It takes place in the IRHOMS lab in the School of Psychology (Tower Building).
The study will last up to 30 minutes and involve sitting in the driving simulator experiencing an immersive driving scenario, as well as completing some questionnaires. Slots will be released for this Friday 14th June (both in the morning and afternoon) as well as in the coming weeks. Please get in touch to learn more:
Additional Info
Participants need to be over 18 years of age, have normal, or corrected to normal vision and hearing. You must be fluent in English as either your first or second language.
A payment of £6 will be offered to you as a thank you for participating in the study.
Data Sharing
Data collected in this study will be de-identified and shared via an open data sharing platform.
The Researcher will provide more specific information after registration of interest.